The Bristol Yard Sale

Meet the partners supporting our journey...

This project was initially supported via The University of Bristol Community Liason Office. The main focus of this department is to maintain positive neighbourhood relationships amongst students and the wider community. As well as the university, Bristol Waste, and Bristol City council are some of the key stakeholders of our innitiative.

Early Days

It is only the beginning of our campaign, which means we will continue to gain sponsorship from many other stakeholders. This campiagn will aim to improve the wider community and the local economy whilst actively supporting an environmental and sustainable cause. In order to expand and gain a greater recognition, our future partners include; Bristol Fashion Society, Bristol Earth Justice Society, Bristol 24/7 as well as gaining further support from Bristol SU. 

Of course, we are always open to improvements or support of any kind. If you are interested in being part of this movement, drop us an email via the information on our contact page.